FTP Inventory File Service

What is this?

This document describes how to retrieve Anchor’s nightly updated Inventory File from its FTP site.

What is an inventory file?

An inventory file simply lists our inventory and how many units of an item we currently have in stock in a text file format.  Each entry has an identifier (typically an ISBN number) as well as a quantity count.  The maximum quantity on hand will show as 100 in the file, though it is possible we have more.

How do I get this file?

Use an FTP program and use the following information to login:

Host Address: ftp.anchordistributors.com
Remote Port: 21
Username: inventory
Password: whitinv2

What file formats do you have available?

AD_comma.txt - Comma deliminated format

AD_fixed.txt - Fixed format
Fields 1-20  : identifier, right justified
Fields 21-25 : quantity, right justified